Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Consequences of the Constitutional Convention Compromises


Homework: Read 46-54 in Edwards (online)

Essential Terms Retake Quiz Thursday before/after school or during 4th study session

Register for the AP Exam: Must be registered and paid for all AP exams by October 1st!
Learning Objective:
CON-1.C: Explain the ongoing impact of political negotiation and compromise at the Constitutional Convention on the development of the constitutional system.

CON-1.C.3: The compromises necessary to secure ratification of the Constitution left some matters unresolved that continue to generate discussion and debate today.

Consequences of the Constitutional Convention Compromises

As we discussed yesterday, the Constitutional Convention was a series of compromises on issues ranging from equitable representation to how to handle slavery and the selection of the president. Those compromises still carry consequences today on our political system.

Key Question:
1. How do the compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention continue to impact our political system today?

Read and take notes on the following article, Big State, Small State on how the Great Compromise has led to the malapportionment of today's Senate and its impact on federal funding and policies. In your notes, highlight what you consider to be the author's central claim and notate the author's supporting evidence. Include other notes and annotations on questions you have or quotes you think are worth discussing more.

After you read and annotate Big State, Small State, please watch (with your earbuds) the following videos from Khan Academy on the Constitutional Convention and the impact of its compromises.

Finally, evaluate what compromise reached at the Convention, has had the biggest impact on our political system today. Be prepared to discuss and defend your position tomorrow.

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