Monday, September 23, 2019

Other Amendments


Homework: Compile a list of your top ten amendments for tomorrow

Constitutional Convention/Constitution Retake Quiz: Tuesday before/after school or during 4th study session

Register for the AP Exam: Must be registered and paid for all AP exams by October 1st!

Upcoming Quiz: Quiz over Amendments (15pts) on Wednesday!

5th hour Juniors: You must fill out this survey during study session today.

Today's Schedule:


Today, we are finishing up our overview of the 27 amendments to the Constitution. As we finish, think about which amendments are the ten most important or essential. Tomorrow, we will do an in-class activity where you will be responsible for ranking the amendments and justifying your decisions.

The student who got the 27th Amendment ratified. Talk about your political efficacy!

What should be the next amendment?

Here is a list of recently proposed amendments in Congress. And here are the "Top Ten" proposals for amendments.

Videos for Review:

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