Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3.1a Civil Liberties or Civil Rights?

Today, we will begin our remote learning and online instruction. Please make sure you read through today's post, clicking on (and reading!) the links on the differences between civil liberties and civil rights. In addition, please make sure you:

  1. Complete the three assigned Khan Academy modules on the Bill of Rights.
  2. Watch the Crash Course video and answer the two questions assigned through EdPuzzle.
  3. Check your understanding by taking this short quiz (also linked below).

As always, email me if you have any questions or need help!

READING: 85-126 in Edwards

UNIT THREE Identification Terms 

Today's Question: What are the differences between civil liberties and civil rights? 

Learning Standards:
LOR-2.A: Explain how the U.S. Constitution protects individual liberties and rights.
LOR-2.B: Describe the rights protected in the Bill of Rights
LOR-2.A.1: The U.S. Constitution includes a Bill of Rights specifically designed to protect individual liberties and rights.
LOR-2.A.2: Civil liberties are constitutionally established guarantees and freedoms that protect citizens, opinions, and property against arbitrary government interference.
LOR-2.B.1: The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, which enumerate the liberties and rights of individuals.

PRD-1.A.1: Civil rights protect individuals from discrimination based on characteristics such as race, national origin, religion, and sex; these rights are guaranteed to all citizens under the due process and equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution, as well as acts of Congress.

1. What's the difference between civil liberties and civil rights?
Unit Three focuses on civil liberties and civil rights. However, many students (and adults) do not understand the difference between these two topics.

Discuss with your table what you think are the differences between the civil rights and civil liberties. Next, see if your discussion was similar to these explanations of civil rights and liberties and the differences between them.

Check your understanding by taking this short quiz.

Review Videos

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