Monday, March 30, 2020

Week Two: 3/30-4/3

I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend and are all doing well. Thank you for those of you who completed the survey. The items that had the most positive feedback were utilizing Khan Academy, EdPuzzle, screencasts lectures, and self-assessments. We will continue to incorporate these strategies and resources this week. Flipgrid and the discussion board did not have as high approval ratings. After reading through the discussions, I was really impressed with the level of thought in both your initial posts and your feedback, so I will most like use it again this week.

I have started the process of recording grades for last week's tasks. If you see that you did not receive credit (a zero in the gradebook) for something you completed, please email me. Sometimes technology doesn't always work the way it is supposed to.

I am changing the grading practice this week. I am still providing/assigning tasks like Khan Academy, EdPuzzle, and the Supreme Court matrix cases. However, there will be no points awarded for your completion of these activities. They are for your benefit to help you understand the material. I believe your grade should reflect what you know and understand, not what you do in preparation. You will be assessed on your understanding of the civil liberties found in the 1st Amendment next Monday (4/6) with a quiz. Points will still be awarded for the discussion board.

Here is this week's planner. Most activities/links are live and ready to go. The post for Thursday will be up later today or tomorrow. I will try and do a screencast for that one as well. I'm also working on a couple of self-assessments that should be linked soon. Remember, the posts go backwards so you will need to scroll down to find Monday's post.

I am planning an optional Google Meet on Wednesday (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) to answer questions and just check-in with everyone. The links are on the weekly planner. I hope to see you there!

Please, please, please don't hesitate to email me with any questions you have over anything!!

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