Wednesday, May 1, 2019

5.17 Fake News and Bias in the Media

AP Exam Review Session: Thursday @7:30am (Practice Test-Solo)

AP Exam: Monday! Review material resources . Also, use Khan Academy modules, videos, and quizzes.

READING: 192-215 in Edwards

Here is the EOC Week Schedule for next week. We will be on block schedule Monday-Thursday.

Learning Standards:
PRD-3.A.1: Traditional news media, new communication technologies, and advances in social media have profoundly influenced how citizens routinely acquire political information, including new events, investigative journalism, election coverage, and political commentary.
PRD-3.B: Explain how increasingly diverse choices of media and communication outlets influence political institutions and behavior.
PRD-3.B.1: Political participation is influenced by a variety of media coverage, analysis, and commentary on political events.
PRD-3.B.2: The rapidly increasing demand for media and political communications outlets from an ideologically diverse audience have led to debates over media bias and the impact of media ownership and partisan news sites.
PRD-3.B.3: The nature of democratic debate and the level of political knowledge among citizens is impacted by
  • Increased media choices
  • Ideologically oriented programming
  • Consumer-driven media outlets and emerging technologies that reinforce existing beliefs
  • Uncertainty over the credibility of news sources and information

Media Bias
Questions for today:
1. Has the use of social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc) been a positive or negative impact on the political process?
2. What exactly is "fake news" and how has that term influenced the public's trust of the media?
3. Is there a bias in the media? If so, to what degree? How does it impact our perception of the government?

Task #1
Debate social media as a positive or negative impact.

Task #2 Fake News
What exactly is fake news and how can we recognize it?

  Pizzagate--Fake News Explained

Media Bias
Is there a bias in the media? If so, to what degree? How does it impact our perception of the government?

Please read the following articles:

How biased are the media, really?

What are some of the possible explanations for the increased claims of media bias?

Terrorists? Freedom fighters? Oregon standoff poses quandary for media

What term should the media use when describing the situation in Oregon? How does that compare to recent actions in Ferguson or the shootings in California? How does the media's use of certain terms shape our perception?

A tale of three chyrons
Comparison of the Russia Story

5.16 Roles of the Media

AP Exam Review Session: Thursday @7:30am (Practice Test)

AP Exam: Monday! Review material resources . Also, use Khan Academy modules, videos, and quizzes.

READING: 192-215 in Edwards

Here is the EOC Week Schedule for this week. We will be on block schedule Monday-Thursday.

Learning Standards:
PRD-3.A: Explain the media’s role as a linkage institution.
PRD-3.A.1: Traditional news media, new communication technologies, and advances in social media have profoundly influenced how citizens routinely acquire political information, including new events, investigative journalism, election coverage, and political commentary.
PRD-3.A.2: The media’s use of polling results to convey popular levels of trust and confidence in government can impact elections by turning such events into “horse races” based more on popularity and factors other than qualifications and platforms of candidates.
PRD-3.B: Explain how increasingly diverse choices of media and communication outlets influence political institutions and behavior.
PRD-3.B.1: Political participation is influenced by a variety of media coverage, analysis, and commentary on political events.
PRD-3.B.2: The rapidly increasing demand for media and political communications outlets from an ideologically diverse audience have led to debates over media bias and the impact of media ownership and partisan news sites.
PRD-3.B.3: The nature of democratic debate and the level of political knowledge among citizens is impacted by
  • Increased media choices
  • Ideologically oriented programming
  • Consumer-driven media outlets and emerging technologies that reinforce existing beliefs
  • Uncertainty over the credibility of news sources and information
The Roles of the Media
What are the three major roles of the media? Which role is the most important?

Explain the following terms:
  • Gatekeeper
  • Scorekeeper
  • Watchdog

Watchdog Role:

Review Videos: