Quiz Today over Expansion of Voting Rights and Models of Voting Behavior (10pts)
READING: 162-189 in Edwards
Today's Essential Question: How do different demographics and structural barriers affect voter turnout?
Learning Standards:
MPA-3.C: Explain the roles that individual choice and state laws play in voter turnout in elections.
MPA-3.C.1: In addition to the impact that demographics and political efficacy can have on voter
choice and turnout, structural barriers and type of election also affect voter turnout in the U.S.,
as represented by:
MPA-3.C.2: Demographic characteristics and political efficacy or engagement are used to predictchoice and turnout, structural barriers and type of election also affect voter turnout in the U.S.,
as represented by:
- State voter registration laws
- Procedures on how, when, and where to vote
- Mid-term (congressional) or general presidential elections
the likelihood of whether an individual will vote.
MPA-3.C.3: Factors influencing voter choice include:
- Party identification and ideological orientation
- Candidate characteristics
- Contemporary political issues
- Religious beliefs or affiliation, gender, race and ethnicity, and other demographic characteristics
Voter Turnout in the US
Questions to Consider:
1. Who is more likely (demographics) to engage in political participation? How does that affect who is elected and government policies?
2. What is voter turnout in midterm elections and primary elections compared to general presidential elections? Who votes and what impact does that have on the candidates/winners?
3. What institutional/structural barriers are there to voting?
One of the strongest predictors of voter turnout is political efficacy, or the belief that you can make a difference politically. However, there are a number of other factors that influence the likelihood of voting.
Task #1: Read the articles below and answer the following questions:
Article: What Affects Voter Turnout Rates
Article: Census Data Finds Who Votes, and Who Doesn't
Article: Voter Turnout in the 2016 Election
1. Explain two factors that influence overall voter turnout rates.
2. Describe how each of the following demographic features affects voter turnout:
- Age
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender
- Socioeconomic Status (SES)
3. How do the above differences influence government policy and campaign strategy?
How does the difference in voter turnout rate between midterm elections and presidential elections affect who gets elected to Congress? Think about who is most likely voting in midterm elections.
How does voter turnout in primary elections affect party selection of candidates? Who do candidates need to appeal to in order to win primary elections?
Most voting regulations are decided at the state level. (Thanks, Federalism!) Think about how each of these differences impact voter turnout.
- Voter Registration
- Voter ID laws
- Early voting
- Online voting?
- Mail-in voting
- Convicted felons
Questions to Consider:
1. How does the voter turnout rate in the US compare to other countries?
2. What are some reasons for this discrepancy?
3. Should voter registration be automatic?
4. Should the US adopt compulsory voting?
Here's a chart from the Pew Research Center's article, US Voter Turnout Trails Most Developed Countries.
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