Monday, August 26, 2019

Purposes of Government

Announcements: Juniors interested in taking the PSAT need to register by September 7th. Cost is $25 if registered by 8/31 and $30 if registered by September 7th. More information can be found HERE.

Standard: MO SS2 1.6, 1.9 Describe the structure of government and the purposes of laws (with emphasis on state and federal governments) in general

Readings due Thursday:
Pluralism and Democracy
Elite Theory

Identification Terms:
Essential APGOV Terms to Understand (quiz this Thursday)

Unit 1 Identification Terms (Origins)

What is the purpose or function of government? Today we are going to look at several purposes of government as outlined in the preamble to the Constitution.

Wrap Up: Which purpose of government is most important? Please fill out before you leave.

Here's a video that shares people's thoughts on the purpose of government: