Friday, February 7, 2020

5.5 The Electoral College


Guidance Counselors will be here today to help with registration for next year.

READING: 243-281 in Edwards

Today's Essential Question: How does the Electoral College work (or doesn't work)?

Learning Standards:
PRD-2.B: Explain how the Electoral College impacts democratic participation.
PRD-2.B.1: The winner-take-all allocation of votes per state (except Maine and Nebraska) under the setup of the Electoral College compared with the national popular vote for president raises questions about whether the Electoral College facilitates or impedes democracy.

The Electoral College
The Electoral College is probably the least understood aspect of the American political system and is often criticized for its archaic rules and numerous flaws. Today, you will be examining this process and trying to make sense of how it operates. Please answer these questions using the resources/links below, or others that you find on your own. Your goal is to become an expert on the Electoral College. We will also be evaluating whether or not to keep, modify, or eliminate the Electoral College.

US Archives on Electoral College

How The Electoral College Works

History Channel: Electoral College

US Constitution: Electoral College

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